Weight Management and Detox Programs

Inner Peace Holistic Herbal Therapy and Weight Management Clinic offers a number of Weight Management and Detox programs to suit different needs.
Totally holistic and supported.
When developing a plan with a person to achieve their weight loss goals, an entirely holistic approach is taken that considers all aspects of your health and lifestyle.
What does this mean? What is a ‘holistic approach’?
This means that rather than focusing on just diet or exercise, a holistic approach takes into account your mental and emotional health, your physical activity levels, and even your sleeping habits.
In other words, it’s an all-encompassing approach that addresses everything from your diet and exercise routine to your stress levels and sleep habits.
We do not work from ‘cookie cutter’ meal plans, nor do we take a ‘one size fits all’ approach. When you work with us, we put you at the centre of everything we do to ensure that your plan is tailored to suit you, your needs and your preferences. This helps with accountability, while supporting and teaching you to apply these principles for the rest of your life. This also helps you achieve your long -term goals for your health journey.
To have a look at what's on offer, please visit our Weight Management, Nutrition and Meal Planning collection